Depression Counselling

 Ready to emerge from the fog of depression? We’re here for you.

Depression Counselling in Toronto

Depression is a mood disorder that causes persistent feelings of sadness and loss of interest in what were formerly enjoyable activities. Depression affects how you feel, think and behave, and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems.

Depression can feel like a huge weight on your chest. You might feel sapped of all your energy and motivation, existing in a continual state of sadness or numbness. Depression can cause problems with work, relationships, and you may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, including keeping up with hygiene. You may find yourself having difficulty making decisions, staying awake at night or sleeping a lot more, not wanting to eat at all, or overeating. 

Depression can make the things that you previously loved to do feel joyless, and may lead to feelings of worthlessness, as well as thoughts of self-harm and suicide.

How We Work With Depression

At Radiant Mind, we work with depression on two levels: first, we help you develop skills and practices to manage depression and prevent relapse. By learning to identify the triggers and symptoms of depression, you become able to effectively address these issues as they arise in everyday life. Secondly, we help you finding and addressing the underlying causes of your depression.

Our approach is client-centred, meaning that we work with you to create a treatment plan that is tailored specifically to your needs. In doing so, we may draw upon modalities such CBT, DBT, ACT, Mindfulness and Compassion, Psycho-Dynamic, and Narrative Counselling. 

Increasingly, we’re hearing from people who are considering self-medicating with psychedelics to help with their depression, especially after the release of Michael Pollan’s popular book, How to Change Your Mind.  At Radiant Mind, we acknowledge the illegality of many of these substances, as well the potential for both positive and negative outcomes with psychedelic experiences, and as such we neither encourage nor condemn their usage. However, we can help you consider your decision to use psychedelics through the lens of harm reduction counselling, as well as help you work through the impact of this experience afterwards through integration counselling. For more information on this, please take a look at our Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration page. 

If you want more information on depression, here are some great resources to check out:

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