Conflict Coaching

Effectively manage interpersonal disputes and gain increased personal skill in conflict management.

Conflict Coaching in Toronto

Conflict coaching is a specialized one-on-one process that helps clients effectively manage their interpersonal disputes and gain increased competency in their conflict management skills. The CINERGY® model of conflict management integrates executive coaching, conflict management and neuroscience principles. It is a dynamic seven-stage process that is specifically designed to help clients improve their conflict management skills and abilities according to each person’s individual and specific goals.

Conflict coaching has wide application and may be used in the workplace and a range of other contexts. 

In workplaces, conflict coaching helps to reduce the high cost of conflict. It is a process that supports an organizational culture that values effective conflict management as a core proficiency, by assisting leaders and other members of the workforce to:

    • resolve their interpersonal disputes independently and as close to the source as possible
    • prepare for challenging conversations
    • prevent unnecessary conflict from escalating
    • shift unproductive conflict reactions to constructive responses
    • manage their adverse reactions to conflict

Whether for personal or professional reasons, this form of coaching also assists clients with interpersonal conflict in their own lives, and can be used to prepare them for participation in mediation, negotiations and other Alternative Dispute Resolution processes.

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